Choosing a cool username can be a lot of struggle as every username you think of is already taken. And, the more you think of something new, the more frustrating it gets. So, let me help you to find some funky stylish usernames. I’ve prepared a list of some cool usernames for gamers that you can choose from.
Having a cool and unique username for a gamer is something that makes them identified amongst the rest. And generally, you don’t constantly change usernames. As everyone will remember you and your gameplay by the one you keep from the start. So, choosing an unforgettable username is a must. It generally happens that you spend hours thinking up a username you think is the best.
But, after entering it, the system gives out an error saying “username already in use”. This gets really annoying and gets to know that the catchy and flashy username you’re thinking of is already taken. So, don’t waste any more time, and go through the list of usernames provided.
How Do You Choose a Cool Username?
As hard as it sounds after thinking for hours, you often wonder where to get some rare usernames from. Well, you can choose from anything around you. Be it some home appliances, your nickname, some famous trends going on the social media sites, etc.
What most people do is just recreate or modify their own name. You can start by adding something exciting or some random adjectives before or after the name. For example, if the name is Jemmy, your username will be KillerJem.
Go with something you’re interested in or something you like. This can include your favorite bands, guitarists, wrestlers, sports teams/players, etc. It can also come from fictional characters from movies, tv shows, anime, books, etc.
Make use of these tips to get started, generate some cool usernames on your own. And, if you’re not being able to think of anything don’t worry, you still have the list to go through.
List of Best Usernames for Gamers in 2022
Here is a list of some cool usernames for gamers, that will make you stand out from the crowd. Some are catchy, some are cool, some sound dangerous. Go with whatever you like, and what sounds best for you. But, always remember, constantly changing usernames will not make it popular. So, try to select one that you can listen to and something you’ll never get bored of.
1. Cool Gaming Names for Girls
Take a look at the list below. There’s also a list of the best and cool usernames for gamers listed below for girls to choose from.
- MexicanDjango
- ApocalypseMan
- Bangarmor
- BigMacSandWitch
- AwesomeHobo
- OneLoneClone
- SilverStoneGunner
- MustacheMopol
- TheFinalCountdown
- Spawn99
- MasterKeef
- Apocalypse3434
- LookWhatICanDo
- NoNoob
- LeSpank
- RufioRoofie
- SkyxQueen
- TornadoArtillery
- SupraNova
- TheORacle
- SpeedBreaker
- SunVolt
- Swampmasher
- WarningLowBattery
- RedLiquidShrapnel
- TheMustardCat
- BigPapa
- WhoWasThat
- SmittenKitten66
- MasterBeast
- CrazedMaaana
- SniperPrincess
- MsPiggysRevenge
- PistolPrincess
- BigMastadon
- HilariousVader
- SweetAngryJesus
- HomelessPower
- RockYourDead
- ElitistBastard
- SereneSavage
- CosmicFunkSquad
- BestGamerPeriod
- SmokinHotChick
- BettyBoopsBoop
- cereal_killer
- GodofWar
- GodessofWar
- BabyBluez
- TheMilkyWeigh
- HotButteryPopcorn
- TheNastyPasty
- PaniniHead
- Â PawneeGoddessÂ
- SilentFalcon13
- PheonixFire56
- BlitZucchini
- TWitMeet
- Tacklebox
- Tough Nut
- Bonzai
- FireByMisFire
- Fat Tony
- The Cougar
- FlyGuardX
- Ghostrider
- JesterZilla
- JigKraken
- K-Tin Man
- Keystone
- Nutmeg Riot
- RadioactiveMan
- Raid Bucker
- Saint La-Z-Boy
- RevengeOfOmega
- Scrapper
- SpellTansy
- ToxicCharger
- TrixiePhany
- PlasmaSponge
- GruntBoBnoPants
- PonySlaystation
- Callmesensei
- RoyaleWCheese
- PeriodPains
- Missbehave
- LaDiabla
- NowYouSeeMe
- CrouchingTiger
- Asasinsensation
- Turdinator
- Vortex
- TheSilentBang
- Zeldarian
- ArcticBlade
- Error404
- BegForMercy
- Zozo
- bazinga!
- Toxic Headshot
- Frozen Gunner
- Masked Titan
- UltimateBeast
- FatalDestiny
- DarkCarnage
- StealthedDefende
- Blaze Assault
- TurboSlayer
2. Badass Usernames for Gamers
AS you know, some badass username will have a great impact on your team as well as on the others players. But, for that, your username should sound like you’re a dangerous person who will exterminate the opponents as soon as you see them. And, if you’ve observed, a heavy name will always get more attention compared to other usernames.
When you beat your opponents and the screen flashes your username constantly, consider you have got their attention. And, eventually, everyone will start taking you seriously. So, here is a list of some cool usernames for gamers that will make you sound like the bad guy.
- Bad2TheBone
- KnifeInGutsOut
- NoMercy4TheWeak
- EatBullets
- TeKillaSunrise
- SkullCrusher
- kiss-my-axe
- ScarOnYourFace
- SmokinAces
- T3rr0r1st
- TakinOutThaTrash
- TheButcher
- TheSickness
- Shoot2Kill
- Overkill
- Killspree
- Psychopath
- Born2Kill
- BloodyKnuckles
- LocalBackStabber
- TheButcher
- ChopChop
- EbolaForYou
- VagaBond
- LoneAssailant
- 9mm
- SemiAutomatic
- SayHi2God
- SmashDtrash
- TheBully
- Sl4ught3r
- HappyPurging
- CantStopWontstop
- LocalGrimReaper
- Grave Digger
- BestServedCold
- TheKingIsDead
- BitchWhoDontMiss
- BigAssKiller
- OneShot
- SmokinAces
- DownInSmoke
- TheCursedOne
- SabotagingYou
- Rebel77
- TheManiac
- MyRage
- KeepBleeding
- K-9
- Valkyrie
- Slayer
- Satan
- Daredevil
- NightTerror
- Catch-22
- Mercenary
- X-hibit
- BlazeOfFury
- Venom
- Narcissus
- Vainglory
- Poison
- TigerClaw
- Excavator
- Yarder
- Trencher
- PowerTrain
- Dementor
- MercyLessSoul
- Wrecker
- Hell-Raiser
- KindaHomicidal
- Redviper101
- MurderSheWrote
- Bulletz4Breakfast
- IndominusRexxx
- UnderMeYourDead
- FlominateDominion
- SeekNDstroy
- SoulessImperator
- BaseKillerWolf
- ParanoiaSyndicate
- HarmonicDeath
- ShittinBullets69
- AlphaReturns
- X_BadBoy
- HeroOfBlackday
- Highlander Monk
- Impulsive Flower
- NemesisX
- SmashBuster
- SmashDtrash
- SpitFire
- NoTolerance
- RektalBead
- DarkLord
- Hitmany
- LastSamurai
3. Funny Usernames for Gamers
Having a badass username is as fun as having a hilarious username. As you will eventually start getting everyone’s attention as you crack them up with your username. But, for this, your username should be a little unique, a bit smart, and funny at the same time. So, here’s a list of some funny and cool usernames for gamers.
- Joe_Mama
- Shaquille.oatmeal
- JuliusSneezer
- JuliusSeizure
- Bread Pitt
- panini_not_meanie
- EatingHawaiianPizza
- Granny4theWIN
- SargentSaltNPepa
- PookieChips
- DroolingOnU
- ihavethingstodo.jpg
- fartoolong
- MomsSpaghetti
- fatBatman
- iNeed2p
- LactoseTheIntolerant
- PookieChips
- FartinLutherKing
- Ariana_Grandes_PonytailÂ
- ElfishPresley
- WustacheMax
- peap0ds
- Not-Insync
- Milf_n_Cookies
- The Monalisa
- Married Man
- MaxicanChoncho
- Onion King
- Poptart AK47
- ScaryPumpkin
- SnowWhiteLuvr
- MasterThief
- InsufferableAttentionWhore
- FortOff
- Halochic
- Obamastolemyps4
- Osama_Been_Laggin
- DorkNite
- TooWeak
- BluffinWithMyMuffin
- Deleted User
- IfISuckItsMyDad
- TomCruisin
- Imakesandwiches
- Ilovdik69
- KitchenHo
- Ihate69
- Samureye
- Phuck Yuu
- Il Phuck Yuu
- Slagathor
- PeekaBooOsamaSeeU
- 2OldForThis
- name_is_in_use
- what_does_this_button_do
- Â GenZWarrior
- LackingToesAndTolerance
- Â FastAndCurious
- anonymouse
- SelfishPresely
- Pikachew
- Billie_Eyelash
- Cardi_C
- itsBritneyB1tch
- Justin_Case
- Â CaptainJackNarrow
- Jim_Doesnt_Carrey
- BearGrills
- MartinRouterKing
- suck_my_popsicle
- fartn_roses
- buzzed_lightyear
- Avo-Cardio
- Keep Calm and Curry On
- How I Met Your Melons
- Drop the Beet
- James_blond
- Tiny Wrestler
- AssAssSeen
- IPlayFarmHeroes
- Asleep
- QueenKong
- Gigantic_Wang
- Brosef_Stalin Game_over
- Chief-Choke-a-ho
- HandsomeBanana
- SmallPeePee
- hanging_with_my_gnomies.
- hoosier-daddy.
- OP_rah
- Something
- regina_phalange
- Â FreddyMercurysCat
- hogwartsfailure
- peterparkerspuberty
- RootinTootinPutin
- IwasReloading
- fbi_surveillance_team
4. Anime Usernames for Gamers
Even if you’re not an anime fan, you’ll agree that some of the anime characters and their names are pretty cool. Not only that but some of the names have deep meaning hidden behind them. So, use these anime usernames from the list or you can just take references from them and create one of your own. Most of them are aliases of famous anime characters.
- TheDarkKing
- SoulKing
- TwoHands
- CopyNinja
- Kira
- StrawHat
- FireFistAce
- Chidori
- Takanome
- Akagamino
- FoxFire
- Lightning Emperor
- Heavenly Yasha
- FlowerSwordVista
- Charisma of Evil
- SurgeonOfDeath
- SnakePrincess
- KnightoftheSea
- White Demon
- BlackReaper
- MarcoThePheonix
- ComicMan
- The Black Swordsman
- Zero
- ThePalmtopTiger
- LittleRookie
- The Man With Seven Scar
- Battosai the Manslayer
- God’s Tongue
- The Flame Alchemist
- Caped Baldy
- Handsome_tooru
- Metalupa
- PotatoGirl
- Efreet
- RedKing
- Rhino Schneider
- [email protected]
- The Lightning Flash
- The General from Hell
- Â The Red Comet
- EyePatch
- Uravity
- SogeKing
- Kirito
- Bohemian Knight
- WretchedEgg
- Demon of the Hidden Mist
- Hawkeye
- Menma
- PervySage
- TheCorruptKing
- HeroKiller
- OrangeHokage
- PirateHunter
- HikiGerma
- BlackLeg
- DevilChild
- CottonCandyLover
- GarpTheFist
- TheWhiteHunter
- TheRevolutionary
- GreenBeast
- TheLostUchiha
- SlugPrincess
- YellowFlash
- WhiteFang
- TheTaillesBeast
- TheFenceSitter
- Red Hot blooded Habanero
- IceBoy
- Grimmjow Lumberjack
- AfroDude
- TheFreakyScientist
- TheCatBurgler
- MurderMachine
- BlackLeg
- RedLeg
- TheWildfire
- ThePlague
 5. Special Characters Usernames
Everyone uses game tags that sound dangerous, some funny, but you can use some game tags which only have special characters. This will not only show creativity with creating usernames but also give you other gamers’ attention.
In this section, all the usernames are created using the special character with some letters or numbers in between. Some have meaning while some just give out random names, and some just look funny. Choose whatever you find interesting and creative.
- .! (-_-).!.
- |Re$pEcT|
- *S~@~M~u~R~@~I*
- -=Xom9k=-
- â„¢Le[G]1onâ„¢|Killer|
- kill_m@sterSâ„¢| graf
- eXâ„¢
- ^NoN STOP^
- K*E*M*P*E*R
- ★S_U_P_E_R-N_E_O_N★
- T_E_R_M_I_N_A_T_O_R
- GL@moYr…♥…pR!ncEEs@
- ★TneEvilCheat★
- [O] ska [R]
- $ ST @ .LKER $
- XyL [i] gaN4eG
- {.: LSD: .Prizrak}
- .::ExclusivE::.
- 3Jl0u*WhoJnuk
- *** AWP — P R o F I ***
- |.::Gr@nD_M@steR::.|
- n1ce!â„¢
- —-PrOsTo ShArIcK—-
- ★彡[ᴅᴇᴀᴅ ᴋɪʟʟᴇʀ]彡★
- ✪FasTIK✪
Final Words
With this, now you have many usernames to choose from. Choose wisely as your username represents your identity. And, most importantly, try not to constantly change your username. It’s totally upon you about what your username should be. Whether it sounds sound cool, funny, badass, have reference to movies/anime. Also, whether it would only be in symbols or special characters, etc.
If you can suggest more cool usernames for gamers, go on, and let me know in the comments section. Also, if I’ve missed any usernames related to the anime references, feel free to comment.